Public policy for youth
Dr. Hossam Badrawi
The naughty young man said: In continuation to last Wednesday’s talk, is there any importance for setting youth policies?
I said: Yes, there is a necessity for a holistic vision for dealing with youth, based on an ideology and a well-defined content of how to create the modern civil state that was approved by the country’s constitution after two revolutions, in which young people enjoy equal opportunities and equality, regardless of their political, religious or intellectual affiliations.
It is important to generalize the country’s vision and policies, from which programs that serve the segments of society and allow for a fair distribution of expenditures are produced. This is an important and vital matter.
His colleague said: Who are the young men you mean, Doctor?
I said: with you a thousand right in your question, my daughter, we determine the age group which Nqsdha youth, The stage of secondary education and higher education, ie the age of 14 class years to 23 years, the stage of her privacy, because young people exist in education institutions framework, it is possible to access In an easy way. They are two different stages as well.. From the age of 14 to 16, a stage in which boys and girls move from childhood to youth, and from 16 to 23 has characteristics related to biological growth, emotional rush, and the desire to experience everything and dream. It is necessary for this stage of thought, in which the Ministry of Education is the main partner with the family, directly or through the media.
The age group from 24 years to 35 years they stage have different characteristics, where the search begins for work and independence from the family and the creation of a new family, and goes up hopes or frustrate .. this age very dangerous, Valfrag the Sیmlah definitely something, and reach It becomes more difficult because it will depend on attracting them to civil organizations, whether they are civil associations, political parties, or attracting extremist groupings.
This age group must include policies and projects, training and equipping, creating job opportunities, and preparing and financing them to start entrepreneurial businesses that will achieve a decent living for them. In this age group, public transportation, dignified interaction with state agencies, housing, the possibility of marriage and the creation of a new family, affect them. Taking into account all of the above, it is necessary to identify the main areas in which it is necessary to take measures to empower these young people according to the characteristics of their age.
A third young man said: What do you think of that?
I said: From my point of view, the vision should include enabling the country’s youth to reach their full mental, physical and spiritual potential, and through them enabling Egypt to achieve its development vision and find its rightful place among the peoples of the world. In order to achieve this vision, I identify five general goals to achieve them, identify specific priorities within each goal, the policies that must be presented and implemented in each priority, and goals and priorities within each goal can be put forward.
The enthusiasm of the “dreamers” increased. One of them said: What are these goals?
I said:
The first: creating productive forces capable of sustainable addition to the Egyptian economy.
Second: To develop a strong, healthy, technology-enabled generation that is proud of itself and the history of its country, responsible, respectful of citizenship, creative and enlightened, and capable of regional and global competition.
Third: Implanting a set of positive values specific to the youth’s conscience and belonging to the Egyptian homeland.
Fourth: Facilitating youth participation in voluntary civil work and civil associations at all levels of the country’s administration.
Fifth: Supporting young people with disabilities or those who are at risk of health risks in integrating into society and ensuring that they are not marginalized.
In each of the goals, and in each policy of each ministry, we must set the following eleven priorities:
1- Belonging to Egypt and its modern civil identity.
2- Education from childhood to higher education and lifelong learning.
3- Promote positive social, religious and cultural values.
4- Creation of employment opportunities and skills development.
5- Capacity building and readiness for entrepreneurship.
6- Attention to health and a healthy lifestyle.
7- Sports (exercise and fun).
8- Community participation and volunteer work.
9- Inclusion and involvement of youth in politics and governance.
10- Respect the principles of equal opportunities, based on competence, merit and positive work values.
11- Communicating with the outside world and increasing competitiveness.
The young philosopher said: So, Your Honor, you say that the most important stage available to the state in influencing young people is while they are in school and university, because after that they get lost in a larger and broader society.
I said yes
She said: Why not join the Ministry of Youth and the Ministry of Education under one umbrella so that they can work with young people with one philosophy?
The first young man said: It may be political that includes all education, and youth is logical.
I said: Well thought.
The philosopher said: How can we affect the conscience of students and youth without entertainment, art, music and competitions… and schools lack stadiums, theaters and tools for making conscience?
Her colleague replied to her, saying: Why not include cultural palaces in education as well, aren’t they all tools in our hands, or is each ministry working in isolation from the other?
Then he rushed, saying: But, Doctor, teachers and many faculty members are not qualified to play this role.
His colleague said – and I looked at them with amazement and happiness -:
Doctor, graduates from the faculties of education, which are entrusted with the education and preparation of teachers, 70,000 teachers annually. I mean, within five years, these can change the face of teaching in schools, and the state has the right to prepare them with the standards of modern science and empower them with the expertise of the teachers who are trained from the most experienced.
And her colleague said: Even the new faculty members had preparation programs before they taught, which are not taken seriously
I told them, smiling: You have excused me from responding, for your words are all true, and your suggestions are the way to achieve the vision and policies of the youth that we talked about at the beginning of this talk.
The young philosopher smiled and said: I wish, Doctor Hossam, to add to the umbrella of influence on youth the Ministry of Information, so that education, youth, culture, and media speak one language, and achieve the goals you mentioned, with initiatives and programs openly presented, and indicators of measuring their success so that the community can follow them.
The conversation continued, and I invite you to continue it with us on this link: