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Anti-Semitism Between truth and claim by Hossam Badrawi

Between truth and claim
Daring to think
Written by Hossam Badrawi
I read several times about anti-Semitism laws in the West and did not understand why they were associated in the Western mind with Israel and the Jews as if they were the only ones exposed to discrimination and hatred and must be protected, as the children of “Shem,” the son of the Prophet Noah!!!!!!
What is the story behind these laws and how did Zionism play in Western minds so that falsehood became true and the criminal became a martyr?
Before I delve with you into Semitism and anti-Semitism and criminalizing any creature that is hostile to the Jews as descendants of “Shem,” I will share with you a reading of history to analyze reality and see the possible future.
I begin with a book that was withdrawn from American libraries, and is worth considering, by author Gene Gardner, an American journalist and news presenter. He was convinced and a defender of Israel, but he retreated from this position after the facts became clear to him. What follows is an accurate translation of some paragraphs from the book.
The writer and I are wondering: What caused the Jews to be persecuted throughout history? Why did the Nazis mobilize them and take them to “extermination camps” to get rid of the “Jewish problem” once and for all?
The writer realized that if Hitler had devised a final solution to the Jewish question, there must have been a “Jewish problem at all”…
The Germans acted inhumanely by trying to eliminate the Jews and trying to exterminate the entire people, and today they stand with the same people who wanted to exterminate them, advocating the extermination of the Palestinian people by the enemies of yesterday…
Isn’t this strange!
I thought about what the European settlers had done to the peoples who inhabited the North American continent, and ending their existence, and I linked the philosophy of genocide and fanaticism to the events in Gaza, and who stands in support of Israel… It seems that the matter is not a snapshot in human life, but rather a continuation of the doctrine of the superiority of some people over others. And confirming that it is the right of the militarily stronger and better relative to annihilate the weaker. ——————-
I return to Germany’s position with the Jews and the position of more than 79 countries throughout modern history in expelling the Jews from their homelands!! Did the Jews behave in any way that made the countries in which they resided biased against them? Or were they just innocent victims?!
The writer says:
“I was shocked and horrified when I learned of the treatment of the Palestinian people in the occupied territories by the Israeli Defense Forces and Jewish settlers. Yet Israel claims to be the only democracy in the Middle East, but it is a democracy for Jews only, as non-Jews are not considered equal to them.
“I discovered their role in organized crime, the slave trade, the civil rights movement, and Freemasonry. I read about the hatred of those committed to the Babylonian Talmud for non-Jews, and their complete lack of respect for Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, Christianity, and Christians in general.”
“I learned about the “impudence” in their claim that the lives of Gentiles are worth no more than the lives of barnyard animals, but they consider that the lives of Jews are closer to God Himself. It is okay to steal from non-Jews or kill a Gentile, but the lives of Jews are sacred.”
“I learned that they control the majority of the wealth, the media, and academia, even though they constitute less than 2% of the population of the United States and much less of the human population – 18 million out of 8 billion people.”
The author continues, “They are behind the movement to legislate hate crimes that was designed to silence anyone who might expose their agenda and try to shed light on it.”
I would add to the writer, saying: They are the ones who control the foreign policy in the Middle East of the most powerful country in the world, the United States of America. They are the ones who control Congress, the Senate, and the President!! And they have such control over the media, movies, and television._________________
The writer says: “After sober reflection on what I discovered about Jewish sovereignty and Zionism, I had to abandon all my previous notions regarding the history of Jewish persecution. What I find difficult to understand is why they continue this behavior in any society in which they live, knowing that they In the end, they will exaggerate their game and their treachery will appear again, and it seems that history has taught them nothing?!
Before I delve into what is happening now regarding the tyranny of Zionism, which is a political framework after the humiliation of the Jews for centuries, we must define Semitism and how did the name begin? Where did expressions of anti-Semitism come from?
In the Bible, the Semites are the children of “Shem,” a term that describes any ethnic, cultural, or racial group that speaks Semitic languages. Historians have come to call the peoples who communicated in Arabic, Hebrew, Syriac, and Ethiopian, and who communicated in Phoenician, Assyrian, and Aramaic, “Semitic peoples” in reference to Shem, son of Noah, because these nations were mentioned in the Torah as descendants of him, and they called their language the Semitic languages.
The term was first used in 1770 by members of the Göttingen School of History who derived it from the Book of Genesis.
In archaeology, this term is used informally to refer to a type of bond that brought together ancient peoples who spoke languages ​​with common features.
Anti-Semitism was used for the first time as a socio-political expression in 1860 by the Austrian-Jewish thinker “Echtenschneider.” This term remained unused until 1873, when the German journalist “Wilhelm Marr” used it in a pamphlet entitled “The Victory of Judaism over Germanism” in protest against the growing power of the Jews in the West. He described them as people without principle or origin, and in 1879 he founded the League of Anti-Semites.
The term was launched and popularized among scholars by an Austrian scientist named August Ludwing-Schloetzer.
In 1781 AD, it became widespread since then, and the use of this term became widespread, and the topic of “Semitics” became one of the special studies of orientalists.

In the United States of America, representing the New World, many federal, state, and local laws address hate crimes, discrimination, and behavior related to anti-Semitism. These laws work together to protect individuals from anti-Semitic actions and speech that may infringe on their civil rights or safety. This legislation allows for increased penalties for crimes deemed to be motivated by anti-Semitic motives.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and subsequent legislation make discrimination against individuals based on religion, among other categories, in the areas of employment, education, and access to public facilities. These laws provide protections that can be applied to cases of anti-Semitism, ensuring the protection of Jewish individuals (on the basis that they High representatives in the world).
Europe and Canada followed the same path and the same legislation and began to make provisions not only for the benefit of the Jews, but also to punish those who deny the Holocaust or simply discuss the origins of words.
*This prompted me to read about the woozle effect, which refers to a phenomenon in scientific research and the media where inaccurate information or unproven data is re-referenced in a way that makes it appear as confirmed fact. This effect can lead to data being inflated, being repeated and presented in new discussions or subsequent studies as authoritative references without adequate verification of their validity or accuracy. This effect highlights how inaccurate information can become ‘truth’ through constant repetition and citing.
There are many thinkers who proposed solutions for science to be compatible with religion, and the enlightened Pope of the Vatican said it courageously that many of the stories in the Bible are symbolic for preaching only.
There are symbols in the Holy Qur’an. What is the meaning of the Qur’an’s saying, “God’s hand is above their hands?” Does this mean that our Lord has a hand with five fingers, or is the meaning symbolic?
What is the meaning of “I am seated on the throne?” Does this mean that God has a throne seat on which He sits, or are these symbolic matters?
For your information, there were and still are those who might fight with you if you dared to say that the meaning is not literal.
We return in the twenty-first century and allow and support the model of building the Zionist-Jewish religious state based on the instructions of the Torah, as they say, to God’s chosen people, superior to the rest of the peoples of the world, and His promise to them of the land of Palestine and their right to annihilate the owner of the land.
And protecting the Semites, the children of Shem, son of Noah in particular. If studies and linguistics say that the Semites are also Arabs before the Hebrews, we ignore that and only protect the descendants of Jacob, the grandfather of the children of Israel.
Do you not see the arrogance practiced by humanity and the control of Zionism in the minds of those with money, weapons, and power to achieve the extermination of the people of Palestine, to establish in the minds the illusions of historical rights for God’s chosen people, and to turn the criminal into a martyr and the victim into a criminal?
Wake up, may God have mercy on you

About Dr. Hossam Badrawi

Dr. Hossam Badrawi
He is a politician, intellect, and prominent physician. He is the former head of the Gynecology Department, Faculty of Medicine Cairo University. He conducted his post graduate studies from 1979 till 1981 in the United States. He was elected as a member of the Egyptian Parliament and chairman of the Education and Scientific Research Committee in the Parliament from 2000 till 2005. As a politician, Dr. Hossam Badrawi was known for his independent stances. His integrity won the consensus of all people from various political trends. During the era of former president Hosni Mubarak he was called The Rationalist in the National Democratic Party NDP because his political calls and demands were consistent to a great extent with calls for political and democratic reform in Egypt. He was against extending the state of emergency and objected to the National Democratic Party's unilateral constitutional amendments during the January 25, 2011 revolution. He played a very important political role when he defended, from the very first beginning of the revolution, the demonstrators' right to call for their demands. He called on the government to listen and respond to their demands. Consequently and due to Dr. Badrawi's popularity, Mubarak appointed him as the NDP Secretary General thus replacing the members of the Bureau of the Commission. During that time, Dr. Badrawi expressed his political opinion to Mubarak that he had to step down. He had to resign from the party after 5 days of his appointment on February 10 when he declared his political disagreement with the political leadership in dealing with the demonstrators who called for handing the power to the Muslim Brotherhood. Therefore, from the very first moment his stance was clear by rejecting a religion-based state which he considered as aiming to limit the Egyptians down to one trend. He considered deposed president Mohamed Morsi's decision to bring back the People's Assembly as a reinforcement of the US-supported dictatorship. He was among the first to denounce the incursion of Morsi's authority over the judicial authority, condemning the Brotherhood militias' blockade of the Supreme Constitutional Court. Dr. Hossam supported the Tamarod movement in its beginning and he declared that toppling the Brotherhood was a must and a pressing risk that had to be taken few months prior to the June 30 revolution and confirmed that the army would support the legitimacy given by the people