Download now Dr. Badrawi’s full book “Education, Opportunity for Salvation” Dr. Badrawi’s book “Education, Opportunity for Salvation” an integrated study of a comprehensive project to develop education in Egypt. Dr. Badrawi together with his team worked hard to culminate his experience and studies in this book so it would be …
Read More »كلام على مسؤوليتي تقديم أحمد موسى
Interview with VETO newspaper
الدكتور حسام بدراوى رئيس لجنة التعليم بمجلس الشعب الأسبق الذي اشتهر بمواقفه المعارضة للكثير من سياسات الحزب الوطنى لدرجة أنه الوحيد الذي طلب من الرئيس مبارك التنحى عن الحكم وكان جزاؤه الطرد من القصر الجمهورى فضلا عن إعداده مشروعا لتطوير التعليم لم يلتفت إليه أحد، بالإضافة إلى أنه أحد الذين …
Read More »Dr. Badrawi was warmly received by the youth of Al-Darb Al-Ahmar area as well as the karate team as he arrived to the club which was renovated by Takatof.
Dr. Hossam Badrawi, the board chairman of Takatof organization, was warmly received yesterday by the youth of Al-Darb Al-Ahmar area as well as the karate team as he arrived to the club which was renovated by Takatof. Dr. Badrawi also inaugurated the new patch of Al-Darb Al-Ahmar Youth Center. The …
Read More »قناة الفراعين تقديم أحمد عبدون
برنامج مع تقديري واحترامي تقديم الفنان حسين فهمي
برنامج أجرأ كلام مع طوني خليفة قناة القاهرة والناس – جزء 1
برنامج سيادة المواطن قناة المحور
برنامج مصر الجديدة تقديم معتز الدمرداش
Prof. Badrawi receiving his honorary fellowship from Cardiff Metropolitan University the 16th of july 2014
Professor Dr. Hossam Badrawi received the honorary fellowship from Cardiff Metropolitan University in Wales. The honorary fellowship is the university’s highest academic appreciation that was granted to Dr. Badrawi for laying the foundations and policies of higher education. It also reflects the appreciation of the University’s Board of Trustees for …
I am concerned that India with a population of one billion and 200 million has a parliament of 543 MPs, while Egypt with a population of 90 million has a parliament with more than 600 MPs. Most of us don’t know the candidates and wherever I go people usually ask …
Read More »برنامج في الميدان قناة التحرير
صباح البلد تقديم دينا رامز
برنامج بوضوح تقديم عمرو الليثي قناة الحياة
Part of the story of Egypt in 3years – By Hossam Badrawi
Part of the story of Egypt in 3years By Hossam Badrawi February 2014 When i received an invitation from 3 different anchors of popular talk shows in the last 2 weeks to share my views about what is currently happening in Egypt and the prospects of the future, i found …
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