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Home / 2018 Collective Articles / Badrawi interviews El-Feki: My emotions are with Abdel Nasser and my mind is with Sadat… and Mubarak is a patriot to the core

Badrawi interviews El-Feki: My emotions are with Abdel Nasser and my mind is with Sadat… and Mubarak is a patriot to the core

The political thinker, Dr. Mustafa El-Fiqi, said that Egypt is the only Arab country that includes the characteristics of the nation, as it has homogeneity that confirms this word, and that the armed forces will remain the first coherent institution in Egypt that is able to lead the country, and the army is the one who saved the country and the people, and the establishment of modern Egypt City with the presence of the army, which was the reason for the establishment of the modern state.

This came in celebration of the launch of the first session of the monthly cultural “Al-Masry Al-Youm Salon”, to sign the last three books of the great writer and political thinker Dr.

The great political meeting was moderated by Dr. Hossam Badrawi, who was keen to stand at certain stations in the three books, expressing his happiness that these books deal with a trajectory of peaks and statures that had great and varied contributions to our reality.

For their part, a number of Al-Masry Al-Youm writers and public figures who participated in the signing ceremony in the salon’s first session stressed the importance of dialogue and the role of cultural salons in strengthening the idea of ​​dialogue and enriching cultural life.


At the beginning of the salon’s first session, journalist Hamdi Rizk, editor-in-chief of Al-Masry Al-Youm, welcomed the attendees, stressing that Al-Masry Al-Youm has a unique group of writers of articles and columns, which has distinguished it over the years. And that the idea of ​​the salon “Al-Masry Al-Youm” came to celebrate its great writers, and that it is an approach that the salon will follow in its next sessions, with all writers.

The great politician and former minister, Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour, thanked Al-Masry Al-Youm for the idea of ​​the monthly cultural salon, and for opening its sessions with one of the Egyptian thinkers with national visions, such as Dr. Mostafa El-Feky.

Abdel Nour said: “Al-Fiqi” is a unique model for the Egyptian intellectual who roamed the world, east and west, and presented writings characterized by ease and ease in reading and following up.

Munir Fakhry Abdel Nour participated in the discussions of the great political salon, and from the book, Ahmed El-Sawy, Yasser Abdel Aziz, Dr. Sameh Fawzy, Adel Noman, Suzan Harfi, d. Muhammad Kamal, Dr. Ibrahim El-Bahrawy, Magdy Youssef, Fatima Naout and the publisher Mohamed Rashad.


The great politician Dr. Hossam Badrawi said that Mustafa al-Fiqi started his books with this introduction, “I lived my life believing in the human element, realizing that the difference between one person and another lies in more mind and heart under the name of conscience.” He added, “I am interested in knowledge and education, the main issue is building the human being. Different personalities, and he often mentions the best in them, as he here confirms that Egypt is full of respected models, and that there is positiveness in presenting these characters, and everyone who reads will find positives that confirm the value of Arab culture.”

Al-Fiqi went on to talk about his memories and the stations covered in his three books, including the Egyptian-Algerian relations, where he said, “The first country I visited in my life in June 1966 was Algeria, to attend the Algerian Youth Conference, and I saw that the Algerian people were still fascinated by the Egyptian people, But I found that the picture changed from this fascination, and the problem was that we had gone too far about supporting Algeria in its liberation, and this seemed as if we were calibrating them, and on the other hand, the Egyptians forgot that the Algerian President (Bou Mediene) came with a blank check, after the setback of 1967 And Abdel Nasser asked permission to intervene between him and the Soviets to solve the problem of weapons that they refused to provide Egypt with except for the price, and he took a heroic stance, and the matter became between the two peoples that you did this and we did that, and from here came this change, especially since the people of Algeria are among the peoples Arabic is tough.


Al-Fiqi touched on his meeting with Queen Elizabeth and her husband Prince Philip, where the latter objected to the designation of the United Arab Republic during the experience of unity with Syria, given the absence of the name of Egypt before the issuance of the 1971 constitution, and that the name of Egypt has its own privacy that should not be erased, and explained “Al-Fiqi.” “When we named the United Arab Republic, we were not successful in concealing the oldest name in history, which is the name of Egypt. Egypt is the only Arab country that includes the characteristics of the nation, as Saad Zaghloul has always called it, as it has homogeneity that confirms this word.”

He continued his talk about international relations, where he went south to Sudan, saying, “Sudan is the largest country with religious, Sufi and Salafist paths in the entire region, and they have Hassan al-Turabi, and he was very close to Abd al-Razzaq al-Sanhouri Pasha, as he was a pioneer in mobilizing the Muslim Brotherhood in Sudan.” Al-Numeiri’s era is the only era in which Sudan was compatible with Egypt’s policy. Before that, there were problems in the eras of Abdullah Khalil and Ibrahim Abboud, and what we saw from Sudan towards Egypt is like what we saw after that from the Salvation Revolution group.


Among the personalities of his three books, he also spoke about French President François Mitterrand, saying, “French society is the most liberal society in accepting the formation of a man for his family. He and Jacques Chirac are the only ones who gave Egypt its true value among French presidents.

He also spoke about Iranian President Muhammad Khatami, noting that “he came to Egypt in the celebration of Al-Azhar University for its graduates, and I sat with him for about a day in the Conrad Hotel, and he told me we are all one, our prophet is one, our Qur’an is one, and our kiss is one, so why the disagreement?” A historical dispute should not constitute a crisis, and he admitted that insulting the Companions is not permissible, but not recognizing some of them does not harm anything.” With the Shiites it is unjustified, as I said before that Egypt is a country of Sunni doctrine and Shiite passion.”


Dr. spoke Mustafa Al-Fiqi on the authority of Mansour Hassan, Minister of the Presidency during the Mubarak era, saying: “She used to connect me with him

A long encounter until his death, as he was a personality representing commitment, sophistication and lofty, and worked in the private sector and approached Sadat, who wished to bring him closer to him more and more. ».

Al-Fiqi said about Mubarak not appointing a deputy to him, even though he was Sadat’s deputy, that “he believed that the Egyptians possessed the trait of hypocrisy, and that if he appointed a representative, people would seek to appease the next president represented by his deputy, but he was patriotic to the core, especially with regard to the land. Egyptian and his keenness on it.”


During the symposium, the talk touched on the Egyptian armed forces and their national role, which Al-Fiqi said that it “will remain the first coherent institution in Egypt that is able to lead the country. And bring about development and mental liberation to a large extent,” adding that “the advantage of the Egyptian military mentality is that it is homogeneous and one fabric and does not have a difference, and Egypt is currently in a transitional stage and it is unfair to compare with what is happening now,” stressing that with regard to Presidents Gamal Abdel Nasser and Anwar Sadat and his relationship with them. My emotions are with Abdel Nasser and my mind is with Sadat.” He described the correction movement on May 15, which was carried out by Sadat, as “like the massacre of the castle of Muhammad Ali, but without blood, with the difference between the Egyptian national leaders and the Mamluks of Muhammad Ali.”

Al-Fiqi said on the authority of Dr. Saad El-Din Ibrahim is “one of the best professors of sociology, and he has a great influence abroad, and he is the author of calls for closer relations with Israel and Western society, and not the owner of the narrow concept of Egyptian patriotism.”


Al-Fiqi expressed his admiration for the personality of Field Marshal Abu Ghazaleh, explaining that “he has written books on Middle East strategies and very deep studies, and he was one of the best military men who spoke English. With regard to the situation in the Middle East, it was natural for any ruler to worry, because of his (charisma) and love and appreciation of the Americans and others, and he was loyal and loyal to President Mubarak, especially in the events of the Central Security.

He touched on Dr. Hossam Badrawi to the wives of the presidents, and Al-Fiqi’s impression of each of them, as the latter said that “Tahiya Abdel Nasser is a traditional woman whose hope is to live under her husband in a stable family, and she did not see a man or care for a man except Gamal Abdel Nasser, who was a Sa’idi in His dealings with her, while Jihan Al-Sadat is the smartest socially woman I have ever seen, and she was brilliant, witty and very sophisticated, and she knew how to distribute her interests well, but Suzan Mubarak, had it not been for the fact that she married a president of the republic, she would have been one of the best university researchers, as she is very scientifically scrutinized and loves details, and it is not true that she She was nervous.”


Al-Fiqi spoke about the great writer Youssef Idris, describing him as “the smartest and deepest novelist in the history of Arabic.” He said: “I lived with him in London for many months. Naguib Mahfouz, perhaps because the latter was the only writer who did not write about Islamism, and he was one of the most novelists who promoted the relations between different religions and their integration in Egypt, especially Judaism, and he was the only novelist who strongly supported Camp David, and the Nobel Prizes are all governed by political considerations. .

The publisher, Mohamed Rashad, Chairman of the Egyptian-Lebanese House of Directors, said that Dr. Mustafa Al-Feki is of great value when you cooperate with him, you find him with the utmost respect, cooperation and friendliness, which makes any publisher like to deal with him, because he is not one of the writers who burden the publisher, he listens to opinions and cooperates well with the publisher, wondering about the time in which “Al-Feki” will write his biography subjectivity.


Dr. said. El-Fiqi: “My life has forced me to work as a diplomat, politician, media person, parliamentarian, and academic, and I admire what Louis Awad and Muhammad Salmawy wrote in their biographies. I will talk about everything in a way that does not hurt others.”

The writer Yasser Abdel Aziz said that d. Al-Fiqi specializes in writing “profiles” for personalities. This type of writing has its audience, and readers follow what he writes in his articles, but of course not everything that is known is suitable for publication.

The writer Ahmed El-Shahawi said that d. Mustafa Al-Feki “reintroduces the character in his article. If I have an appointment with one of the characters, for example, it is enough for me to read an article by Al-Fiqi about that character to know everything about her. He is very organized and mentally scheduled and knows where to put this element and that, and he has that revealing area in addition, not the defect, Although he has not yet written his biography, I can extract from the three books a biography of his life, professors, schoolmates, diplomacy, and the people of his Beheira governorate, so anyone can reveal the biography of Mustafa al-Fiqi through these books.


The journalist writer Dr. Sameh Fawzy, the relationship between d. Mustafa al-Fiqi and President Mubarak, and how he dealt with him in an objective and simple manner without restrictions or formalities.

The writer Suzan Harfi differed with Dr. Al-Fiqi compared Sadat to Muhammad Ali, saying that “it is sufficient for him to release the Brotherhood and politicize the state in the direction of religion, for Sadat did not build Egypt again as Muhammad did, unlike Abdel Nasser.”

Dr. said. Muhammad Kamal, a well-known university professor, said, “The value of Dr. Mustafa to me is very great. When we talk about soft powers, they are not only institutions, but individuals, and if we talk about individuals, Mustafa al-Fiqi is the best example.”

While Dr. said. Ibrahim El-Bahrawy, a professor of Israelis, said, “Mustafa El-Feki supported me in partisan work within the National Party, and he helped me balance our position on Israel, and he supported me in the face of senior figures in the party, despite our close age, but I look at him with the view of the professor, and he was never his eyes.” On serving himself through

His relationship is with the authority, but rather with serving the country, and this is what applies to him as the state educator, not the regime’s educator.”

Writer and critic Magdy Youssef said: «Dr. Al-Fiqi is characterized by being very close to the characters he writes about. And his writings show critical signs that do not hurt.. they indicate but do not harm.”

Writer Fatima Naoot said that Dr. Al-Fiqi is one of the few who have approached the authority and maintained their relationship with the street and the intellectuals at the same time. He is a unique and exceptional person and his writings will be a reference for generations to come.

About Dr. Hossam Badrawi

Dr. Hossam Badrawi
He is a politician, intellect, and prominent physician. He is the former head of the Gynecology Department, Faculty of Medicine Cairo University. He conducted his post graduate studies from 1979 till 1981 in the United States. He was elected as a member of the Egyptian Parliament and chairman of the Education and Scientific Research Committee in the Parliament from 2000 till 2005. As a politician, Dr. Hossam Badrawi was known for his independent stances. His integrity won the consensus of all people from various political trends. During the era of former president Hosni Mubarak he was called The Rationalist in the National Democratic Party NDP because his political calls and demands were consistent to a great extent with calls for political and democratic reform in Egypt. He was against extending the state of emergency and objected to the National Democratic Party's unilateral constitutional amendments during the January 25, 2011 revolution. He played a very important political role when he defended, from the very first beginning of the revolution, the demonstrators' right to call for their demands. He called on the government to listen and respond to their demands. Consequently and due to Dr. Badrawi's popularity, Mubarak appointed him as the NDP Secretary General thus replacing the members of the Bureau of the Commission. During that time, Dr. Badrawi expressed his political opinion to Mubarak that he had to step down. He had to resign from the party after 5 days of his appointment on February 10 when he declared his political disagreement with the political leadership in dealing with the demonstrators who called for handing the power to the Muslim Brotherhood. Therefore, from the very first moment his stance was clear by rejecting a religion-based state which he considered as aiming to limit the Egyptians down to one trend. He considered deposed president Mohamed Morsi's decision to bring back the People's Assembly as a reinforcement of the US-supported dictatorship. He was among the first to denounce the incursion of Morsi's authority over the judicial authority, condemning the Brotherhood militias' blockade of the Supreme Constitutional Court. Dr. Hossam supported the Tamarod movement in its beginning and he declared that toppling the Brotherhood was a must and a pressing risk that had to be taken few months prior to the June 30 revolution and confirmed that the army would support the legitimacy given by the people