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Badrawi: The education crisis in Egypt is not related to money but to mismanagement.

  • The “Culture of Changing the Minister” wasted money and time, and the development plan was stagnant
    Institutions in the ministry are not performing their role, which has failed the educational process

    Hossam Badrawi, Chairman of the Education Committee of the People’s Assembly and a prominent educational expert, stressed that the education crisis in Egypt is not related to legislation or regulations, as much as it is related to the mechanism for implementing the development vision, and abandoning the culture of “changing ministers”, which means that every minister destroys what he built Race him to start from scratch, which wastes a lot of time and money in vain.

    Badrawi, in his interview with Radio and Television, refused to stop building universities, calling for the private sector to be involved with the government to build them, while finding mechanisms to support those who are unable. He also stressed the importance of free education up to high school.

    He added that Egypt has a complete plan to develop the educational system, whether for university or pre-university, that was prepared in 2014, but the problem is the lack of sustainability in implementing the plans, stressing that the education crisis is not in funding, but in poor management and then bad product.

    He stressed that the Ministry of Education has institutions that do not play their role, and have failed, causing delays in the educational process, calling for the private sector to invest in education.

    He explained that the best pillar of the educational process is the students, demanding to make the secondary school based on the cumulative system, three years, and to eliminate private lessons through the cumulative assessment and online exams, calling for the return of the European Union project for the development of technical education, which has been suspended since 2011, after that 400 million euros was spent on it.

    How do you view the proposals for the development of education, especially secondary?

    If you start from the margins to solve a problem, you will not reach a result, and high school is a presentation of the problem of education, and the crisis is that there is no sustainability in the implementation of any development policy, with the change of governments or ministries, policies change, and we start a new policy and then do nothing, and Egypt is the best country to start New, but not completed or finished.

    Any development needs a vision, defining goals and means to implement these goals, and who is responsible for achieving them and using measurement indicators so that we know whether we have achieved the goals or not, with the financing of these means and the sustainability of the plan, and this is very easy.

    Is this achieved in Egypt?

    Yes, Egypt has a vision for the advancement of education, and it was renewed in 2014, and I was among the formation that defined this vision, and it was called Vision 2030 and it has goals, means, responsibilities and indicators of measurement, and the government must take it to determine the budget and implementation, but the problem is that we cannot implement because of the change of ministries, and from Then it is necessary to ensure the sustainability of these plans, and not to change with the change of governments, this is the cause of the crisis in Egypt, and the educational process has pillars, the main pillar for which is the teacher, because the school is the unit of development, and the second pillar is the students and the third is the management of the educational process, and the best of these pillars is the pupils Because they are equipped with better technology than we do, and they have online knowledge, which confirms that the seed is good.

    So what is the main problem?

    The problem is not in education, but in managing the educational process. Egypt has a ministry that manages 20 million students and 2 million employees centrally, and then we end up with a bad product, which confirms that the problem is related to administration, not education, and the most important part of administration is the human axis. If I were responsible, I would take care of the teacher and the overseer, the means by which we provide information to the student, and work on technology.

    Is the budget insufficient to meet educational needs?

    The problem with education is not related to funding. When I was in Parliament, the state spent 65 billion pounds on education, and now it spends 80 billion pounds, and the budget is supposed to reach 120 billion according to the constitution, and the most important thing is that we know how to spend, as we spend a lot without return, for example I I was in one of the Japanese schools, and compared to the American schools, they are better, and they have playgrounds, swimming pools and equipment, and yet there is not a single student in them, so we spent a lot and after a year all this turned into junk.

    What do you think of the teacher academy?

    Its goal is to raise the status of the teacher professionally, and put him in a better image, but it did not achieve its goals because of its wrong management over the past years, and there is an examination center, which is supposed to have millions of questions, I mean question banks, but it also failed, and in Egypt within the NGOs I am headed by young people who understand technology better than the National Examination Center. The ministry also owns a research center, which is supposed to conduct research to follow up the progress of the educational process in Egypt, but where are the results and outputs?

    Some are calling for changing laws to develop education. Is the crisis in legislation?

    I am very sad when I hear these demands, because we change laws and do not develop education, because of the culture of changing ministries. With every new minister, we change the laws that are formed in culture and the Ministry of Education.

    If we go back to the high school crisis, how do we deal with it?

    The problem of high school is not in exams, but because you do not recognize the positive law, which is supply and demand, there are more students than the places available to them in universities, and the dispute will continue to exist and high school will remain a bottleneck, until we have places available for all students in Egyptian universities.

    It is wrong that high school be one year, because that is unfair, it must be a cumulative total of three years, and people’s fears that it will increase private lessons, it can be ended through the application of the cumulative assessment and exams through the Internet, so that the teacher is away from exams, technology ends this concerns.

    And what if the Internet networks fell .. Is there a possibility to find technology in every school?

    Egypt can put technology in all its schools, and Egypt’s students can deal with it, and I did an experiment in the poorest governorates of Egypt and the poorest schools, and the students succeeded, and question banks are available, and the whole issue is a matter of organization, and without increasing the number of places in universities, it will remain

  • The problem of the law of supply and demand is a historical law.

    What do you think of the bakelite?

    It is a way because you could not apply the exams via the Internet, and if you did that, there is no need for Bucklet, and there are different solutions, so they can be on a single network and not on the Internet.

    Does Egypt need higher education and all graduates are on cafes?

    A terrible mistake, because there is a general criterion, agreed upon internationally, that the age group from 18 to 23 years old, half of them should have a higher education opportunity, for higher education is the locomotive of progress, and the problem is that we have only 25% of this age group available.

    How do you solve this issue?

    Increasing the number of places, by building universities, and solving the problem of high school by building universities, institutes and colleges of technology.

    Is the state capable of this now?

    No, but the state can get out of the deficit fund in partnership with the private sector. The state owns the land and all the professors work for it. The private sector owns the money and brings it from the banks. It can offer the state’s share to educate those who are unable for free, and the private sector’s share is to collect money from those who are able.

    Studies confirm that one dollar invested in primary education generates a return on investment of up to 17 dollars. Is this possible?

    Of course, education is good and of a higher standard, and most developed countries have invested in education, and Egypt’s problem is that the loaf of living and satisfying everyone, and many other things, come before education.

    The teacher needs to raise his salary in order to work well?

    It is not a problem, for the teacher academy has a role that it must play in terms of training, qualifying and teaching technology, and whoever passes the exams gets a high salary, and Egypt can retrain teachers, who are 700 thousand teachers, and it can start training teachers in the governorates in stages, with the governor giving the authority of a president The republic applies decentralization, and then the governor has the authority to measure the development of schools and teachers.

    Why do some people resent Egyptian universities?.. and why are exams not held online?

    The university is part of the Egyptian society, with employees representing four times its needs, exactly like the government and the president of the university in Egypt signing vacations, travel and finances, and he is supposed to empty his mind to develop education, international relations and introduce technology.

    Can you develop a plan to develop technical education to make a qualitative leap in it?

    In Egypt, the T.v1, T.v2 project divided jobs into 1,300 jobs, each with professional merit degrees, and had an education and training system linked to factories and companies, in partnership with the European Union, and the state took care of 350 professions, a program that cost about 400 million euros, and in 2011 The project was discontinued.

    Dr. Tariq Shawky traveled to try to use educational experiences from abroad, so what do you think?

    The problem is that Egypt has a ready-made vision, which is Egypt’s vision in education 2030 and suits Egypt with its circumstances, solutions exist and the problem is implementation.

    Do you support free education?

    Yes, even high school, and at the university it must have a cost. Without a number of universities accommodating students, it is difficult to implement this idea, so there must be means to fund students who are unable to implement the idea.

    Do you fear for Egyptian education?

    I am not afraid because 2.5 million people who enter education every year can be educated well with good management and sustainability, and the issue, as I said, is not money as much as it is management and system.