To complement the reactions about the development of democracy, and my initiative to find a new form for the practice of peoples’ participation in governing themselves, the most important interventions came from a distinguished Egyptian doctor who has lived in America for thirty years, entitled: “The day has come when …
Read More »Hossam Badrawi writes: Fourth Generation Democracy (2)
In my first article on the development of democracy in human history, and my initiative on finding a new form for the practice of peoples’ participation in governing themselves, in an era in which the inputs of life and political work have changed, we came to the conclusion that the …
Read More »Fourth Generation Democracy by Hossam Badrawi
Modern Secular State: Logical Evolution of Egypt Prof. Hossam Badrawi Thoth Center for Political Studies (TCPS) TCPS in brief: Thoth is the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom and writing. TCPS is an Egyptian Non-profit community organization, under the umbrella of Nile Badrawi Foundation, NBF, for Education and Development, and Tomorrow’s …
Read More »Al-Masry Al-Youm | Dr.. Badrawi writes: When… and how do we implement democracy in Egypt
There is no doubt that free and fair elections are the essence of democracy and a necessary condition for it, but they may produce governments that are incompetent and short-sighted, dominated by special interests, whether ideological or economic, and may produce governments that are unable to adopt policies that advance …
Read More »Al-Masry Al-Youm | Dr. Badrawi “The Concept of Class and Social Justice between Islamic Philosophy and Modern Theories”
Class is a concept that appeared strongly in Marxist literature, which went to deny its existence as a natural human interaction at the level of theory, and called for the abolition of differences between people at the level of application, and considered that this inequality calls for a struggle at …
Read More »Dr. Hossam Badrawi writes: For “Al-Masry Al-Youm”: Hope and Pain
I think that nothing creates positive collective energy in Egypt like sports and winning. Just as heroism creates dream and hope, frustration also has a collective psychological effect on the conscience of the nation. The excitement and excitement of our team in the World Cup is over, and it is …
Read More »Dr. Badrawi writes in Al-Masry Al-Youm: Transparency and Combating Corruption from a Human Rights Perspective
Corruption is defined in its broadest sense as the misuse of public (governmental) power for illegitimate purposes. The phenomenon of corruption is a phenomenon as old as human societies, and it is not limited to a people without another, or a state or culture without another, but it varies in …
Read More »Dr. Badrawi writes Al-Masry Al-Youm: Is it possible to form a political party that will win a majority in the upcoming elections?
During the last months, I conducted a live experiment in the Egyptian street, using the Union Party, which I had founded immediately after the January revolution, and the party had obtained four chairs in the 2012 parliament, which allowed me to know what was happening at the time in the …
Read More »Dr. Hossam Badrawi writes in Al-Masry Al-Youm: With whom does God speak?
The plane fell from its height into a deep turbulence, which lasted a second or two, at the age of an hour, and a day or two in the age of sensation.. How can all these events and memories pass through the mind in one second? The passengers screamed, and …
Read More »Dr. Hossam Badrawi writes in Al-Masry Al-Youm: State policies in dealing with youth
In the framework of our institutional desire to participate positively in building the future of Egypt, I hosted through the Association “Dreamers of Tomorrow and Those Who Work for It” on its twentieth anniversary, in partnership with the Union Party – hearing sessions for young people, representatives of political parties, …
Read More »Dr. Badrawi writes in Al-Masry Al-Youm: The concept of social justice
The concept of social justice, which politicians and revolutionaries are talking about these days, is vague and undefined in seeing how to distribute the income that is advocated in the media, including an implicit accusation of dishonesty or at least greed for those who make profits, and this coincides with …
Read More »Dr.. Hossam Badrawi writes in Al-Masry Al-Youm “Identity, Citizenship and Language”
We should not separate between identity and citizenship, which in its basic sense is the relationship of the individual to the homeland to which he belongs, which imposes constitutional rights and stipulated duties and more. Positive citizenship is not limited to the citizen’s awareness of his rights and duties only, …
Read More »Dr. Hossam Badrawi writes in Al-Masry Al-Youm, the priority of education..a new education system
Dr. Hossam Badrawi writes in Al-Masry Al-Youm Education priority..a new education system I must admit that the transition from vision and policy to implementation always faces new challenges, and that we must stand before these challenges today, confront them, and discuss them with reason and objectivity. Our belief in the …
Read More »Dr. Badrawi writes in Al-Masry Al-Youm: The Man and the City
Dr. Badrawi writes in Al-Masry Al-Youm: The Man and the City The more you delve into the knowledge of the human body (its anatomy and physiology), you will find that the greatness of God in His creation is the basis of our life philosophy, which we think of as material …
Read More »The modern civil state referred to in the constitution
The modern civil state referred to in the constitution It is a state that preserves, protects and develops all members of society regardless of their national, religious or intellectual affiliations. There are several principles that should be available in the civil state, and if one of them is missing, the …
The plane fell from altitude due to a deep turbulence. On time span, it lasted for a second or two, but as a feeling, it lasted for a day or two. How do all these events, memories and ideas flash in a second? Passengers screamed, some cried out of fear …
Where does the documentation of an event recorded by history come from? Sometimes the same event is narrated by the people who experience it in different aspects and they may differ sharply in narrating it. Who was responsible for the defeat in 1967, the origin of all suffering experienced by …
Since I like learning all the time, and I analyze the past and the present to see the future, I am sharing you the Philosophy of Half in ruling the country. Every regime has advantages and disadvantages that we see and know. Despite we do not support dictatorship, it has …
After the conclusion of the sessions of today’s conference in which I was a member, I was surrounded by a number of youth that included worriers, opposers and supporters of the current government and president’s performance. They asked me about the major national projects and its feasibility. Some raised concerns …
Badrawi: Exams leakage and mass cheating are a major disaster. Secondary school system in its current form must be changed; keeping it the same is catastrophic. Everyone asks about my opinion in the leakage of General Secondary Exams (GSE), which determine the academic future path of our children, based on …
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