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Dialogues with Youth By Hossam Badrawi

At the Dreamers of Tomorrow Cafe
‏ Dialogues with Youth


Hossam Badrawi

A dialogue was held with dreamers
‏1_ The battle between good and evil

The youth asked me about the position of international organizations on the Palestinian issue and its futility and that they have lost confidence in it…‏

I said: I fear confusion between the meanings of human values ​​and the goal of international institutions such as the United Nations, UNESCO and the International Court of Justice, and the vision and philosophy of their establishment and the actions of those who hold the reins of government, power and weapons in the world in their name now, so that a negative conscience is created in us and in our children and future generations towards beautiful and respectable meanings because we are living in a low historical moment in which this hypocrisy between meaning and action takes place.

I think we have to defend values ​​and restore the institutions that express them because the battle is between good and evil and one of the goals of evil is to seize these institutions and transform them into institutions that are hypocritical of the meanings of their existence and to distort the meanings of values ​​such as human rights, children’s rights, tolerance, sympathy, love, justice, fairness, and others so that they can be killed in souls and the devil wins and we help him without realizing it.

Every human being has goodness inside us and we have to search for the best in us and the most beautiful in humanity and strive for the good in us, otherwise peace be upon humanity.

2- In betrayal: Do not drain the friendship of good people; for in their anger there is something that you cannot contain.

Treason is known as not fulfilling promises or stabbing someone who has done you good for a momentary interest or to obtain gain, or claiming continued loyalty to seize a personal opportunity. The damage that results from this is great because it destroys trust and security in those you care for, love, and help, and many may lose confidence in them out of doubt after the betrayal becomes clear.

The betrayer harms not only himself but also everyone around him by depriving them of the affection, compassion and care that they used to receive from those who were hurt by the betrayal of a friend, employer or role model.

Betrayal is the violation of loyalty or trust in a person, group or institution. Betrayal can manifest itself in many forms, including emotional betrayal, professional betrayal, political betrayal, practical betrayal and personal betrayal.

Betrayal can lead to deep feelings of pain, anger, confusion and erosion of trust not only in the betrayer but in others as well. Betrayal has long-term psychological effects and may lead to difficulty in forming new relationships.

Dealing with betrayal and acknowledging its occurrence is difficult but important. People with sound souls and sound minds are those who understand the complex process of forgiveness without memory loss and how it can lead to healing or repeating the same mistake.

There must be lessons learned from betrayal. It may lead to self-reflection and personal growth, re-evaluating relationships and the opportunity to re-evaluate and strengthen relationships. Others have different rules.

And the importance of setting healthy boundaries to prevent future betrayals.

We must reflect on the dual nature of betrayal. While it can cause pain, it can also lead to growth and a deeper understanding of self and others.

Tolstoy was asked: Can you forgive those who betrayed you?
Answer: Those who betray you are as if they cut off your arms, you can forgive them but you cannot embrace them.
3- About women’s rights
One of my patients asked me about the link between society and women in general, where masculine tendencies prevail and women are accused in all cases, even if they were raped and their rights violated.

And between men and women in particular, because she was exposed to the reversal of her husband’s condition after many years of companionship and marriage that ended in divorce, and she bore the burdens of her child and the expenses of his school and raising him after the father was absent with baseness and meanness from his responsibilities according to the standard of their social and cultural level… And I found myself thinking, really.

What is the link between society and women other than a culture that respects rights and recognizes that Egypt, the mother of the world, in its definition, is a woman.

What is the link between men and women in particular other than the word?
Did the fact that women’s voices are the loudest in moments of societal change, and that women support 20 percent of the families in society, and that they are mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters, prevent society from violating their rights, pressuring them, and sometimes humiliating them? Did the bond of marriage prevent men from abandoning their wives, wronging them, or depriving them? Did the bond of having children and having a son or daughter between a man and a woman prevent them from assaulting her or wasting her rights? The bond is a shared commitment, a word, honor, and morals. No paper separates, no witnesses change anything, no marriage, no divorce, no children, and no ten years. All of this did not prevent men from abandoning, escaping, and treating women poorly. Despite their religiosity, they use the tools of interpreting religion and law to humiliate their wives.

Since human nature is affected by the customs of men controlling women, what protects women in our societies that claim Islam, but are innocent of it, protects women. One of three or more things makes men more committed to their word and honor, and society more respectful of them. A cohesive family that everyone knows stands behind their daughter’s right, or wealth that enables her to be independent when necessary, or a position, job, present and future in a job that allows women the freedom to make decisions without fear of humiliation and need.

The third is the most important, as women should not give up their work or their professional and career future, no matter the circumstances. A woman’s way to build her future, ensure her freedom and preserve her dignity is respectful education. Moving from the private to the general, all sustainable development reports say that women’s education is the basis of development and its backbone. Every mother, every father, and every guardian of your family, educating your daughter may be the surest opportunity to protect her in the future, enable her to believe in her freedom, and prevent the violation of her rights. It may be the surest opportunity to develop our country. I can understand the logic of the quarrel over women’s clothing, considering that our world is a world for males only, and females in it exist for their pleasure (i.e. 50% of humanity exists for the pleasure of the other 50% with muscles and physical strength).

Even if we take this fanatical right that usurps males, I tried to find a reason that would make a male look at the body of a gymnast or a swimmer wearing a swimsuit with a sexual, lustful look, but I found nothing but the immaturity of the outer cortex of the brain that controls his desires.

Whoever sees sex and lust in female athletes while they compete is a sick male who needs treatment.

The issue is not in their clothes, but in the one who looks at them..

I meant to say males and females because there is confusion between masculinity, which is a description of the meanings of chivalry, courage, daring, responsibility and morals, in front of masculinity, which is a reference to reproductive organs and the hormone testosterone that drives this human being.

Let us be men because this is the civilization that respects others and controls itself.

4- In Friendship

My daughter asked me why I value friendship and raise it as a human value like brotherhood. I told her: Friendship is a choice and it is all love and peace of mind… The beautiful thing about friendship is that there is no blame in it and there is no need to justify an action or absence, and it is possible to partner in it, and it does not require pleasing the friend, but rather to be as you are…

In friendship, time is relative. Years may pass and you meet a friend as if it were the recent past. In friendship there is joy without cost, support without price, and a hug and a tender chest when needed… The origin of friendship is sincerity in feeling and expression, so there is no need for anything else. In friendship there is trust that is not tested in every shot, and love that does not undergo an examination because it does not need a certificate to prove it. The value of the love and joy of friendship, and the honor and permanence of friendship

About Dr. Hossam Badrawi

Dr. Hossam Badrawi
He is a politician, intellect, and prominent physician. He is the former head of the Gynecology Department, Faculty of Medicine Cairo University. He conducted his post graduate studies from 1979 till 1981 in the United States. He was elected as a member of the Egyptian Parliament and chairman of the Education and Scientific Research Committee in the Parliament from 2000 till 2005. As a politician, Dr. Hossam Badrawi was known for his independent stances. His integrity won the consensus of all people from various political trends. During the era of former president Hosni Mubarak he was called The Rationalist in the National Democratic Party NDP because his political calls and demands were consistent to a great extent with calls for political and democratic reform in Egypt. He was against extending the state of emergency and objected to the National Democratic Party's unilateral constitutional amendments during the January 25, 2011 revolution. He played a very important political role when he defended, from the very first beginning of the revolution, the demonstrators' right to call for their demands. He called on the government to listen and respond to their demands. Consequently and due to Dr. Badrawi's popularity, Mubarak appointed him as the NDP Secretary General thus replacing the members of the Bureau of the Commission. During that time, Dr. Badrawi expressed his political opinion to Mubarak that he had to step down. He had to resign from the party after 5 days of his appointment on February 10 when he declared his political disagreement with the political leadership in dealing with the demonstrators who called for handing the power to the Muslim Brotherhood. Therefore, from the very first moment his stance was clear by rejecting a religion-based state which he considered as aiming to limit the Egyptians down to one trend. He considered deposed president Mohamed Morsi's decision to bring back the People's Assembly as a reinforcement of the US-supported dictatorship. He was among the first to denounce the incursion of Morsi's authority over the judicial authority, condemning the Brotherhood militias' blockade of the Supreme Constitutional Court. Dr. Hossam supported the Tamarod movement in its beginning and he declared that toppling the Brotherhood was a must and a pressing risk that had to be taken few months prior to the June 30 revolution and confirmed that the army would support the legitimacy given by the people