Dr. Badrawi is the guest of honor for the Misr El Khair Foundation party
At the invitation of the Misr El Kheir Foundation, Prof. Dr. Hossam Badrawi participated today as a guest of honor and a keynote speaker in the Foundation’s Final Conference for the Misr El Khair Award, in the presence of Dr. Nevin El Kabbaj, Minister of Social Solidarity, Dr. Ali Gomaa, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Misr El Kheir Foundation, Dr. Reda Hegazy, Deputy Minister of Education, and Dr. Sami Hashem, Chairman of the Education Committee in Parliament, Dr. Iqbal Al Samalouty, Secretary General of the Award and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Misr El Khair Foundation, Mohamed Mamdouh, Senior Director of the Associations Department at Misr El Kheir Foundation, representatives of civil and international organizations, and many public figures.
The award aims to monitor the best development practices from NGOs and institutions to achieve the goals of sustainable development 2030 and Egypt’s vision 2030. In its first session, the award targeted the fourth goal of the 17 sustainable development goals, which is the goal of “quality education.”
During his speech, Dr. Badrawi praised the idea of the award and the association’s efforts in community development and highlighting the experiences and creative development ideas in facing the problems of society with the aim of repetition in other places and building on these experiences and expertise and encouraging and strengthening distinguished practices in the management and governance of non-profit NGOs
Dr. Badrawi explained Egypt’s vision for education 2030, which he developed with a group of experts in 2016, which consists of five axes
The first axis: availability, quality, non-discrimination and justice,
The second axis: the governance of the administration, at the central and decentralized level, down to the school, the heart of the development process.
The third axis is digital education, explaining that in the future the school, teacher and student must be digital. Without digital, we would not be able to keep pace with the development of the world.
The fourth axis: creating conscience and building a normal personality that respects everyone, respects the history of her country, trusts in her present and hopes for her future. Tolerant personality that accepts pluralism and works in the framework of a team. The personality that tastes beauty and instills in its conscience the values of accuracy, commitment and freedom.
The fifth axis: respect for competitiveness in order to be able to compete locally, regionally and globally.
Dr. Badrawi criticized the government’s failure to implement Egypt’s vision in education, and that the current development does not rise to the full strategy of education development.
It is worth noting that the Misr El Kheir Award for pioneering charitable and development giving is the first of its kind in this context, and one of its most important objectives is to monitor the impact of NGOs in achieving sustainable development goals and to spread the spirit of competition and creativity among NGOs in the Arab Republic of Egypt and honor the most distinguished people who have a clear role in The same field of goal specified for the award.