Saturday , March 1 2025


The “Yala Nekamel Ba3d (Let’s Complete Each Other)” initiative includes a number of non-profit civil associations that work together to raise education in Egypt. It includes Takatof, Education First, Misr Al-Khair, Tros, Orman, Red Crescent, Food Bank, Dreamers of Tomorrow, Nile Badrawi Foundation for Education and Development, Al-Alfi for Human and Social Development and the Evangelical Service for Social Services.

The door is open to other associations to join in addition to Tqweem Company.

The initiative includes 650 basic education schools.

The initiative aims to unite the institutions and associations working in education                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and the state in the Yala Nekamel Ba3d initiative, with the governorate of Beni Suef to develop the basic education in the governorate up to the standards of Quality Assurance and Accreditation Authority as declared and to make the basic education in Beni Suef the best among all governorates of Egypt according to these standards.

The philosophy of the initiative:

Taking Egypt’s Vision 2030 in education as stated as a basis for the development structure, using students’ assessment as an entry to change teaching methods, raising the technological empowerment of students, and eliminating tutoring to take burdens off families.

And “that high quality education is accessible to all without discrimination within an efficient, equitable, sustainable, flexible, learner-based, technologically-capable system that contributes to building an integrated personality and maximizing its potentials to a citizen that is self-proud, enlightened, responsible, accountable, pluralism-accepted, respectful of difference, proud of the history of his country, passionate about building its future and capable of dealing competitively with regional and global entities.”


5 years starting from 2017 and ending in 2022

The initiative content

First, the initiative is divided into four phases, in agreement with the Department of Education in the governorate, to select the schools to be developed so that they are at least one hundred primary schools in the first year and then dividing the remaining number into the next four years.

Second: The development, after studying all primary schools in the first hand in terms of establishment and determining the requirements for renewal and maintenance using the methodology of Takatof Association in developing schools of Atf Afoh which took place in 2016 as follows:

  1. Training school principals and teachers in basic education on the skills set indicated in the training program for Education First and Takatof.
  2. Use electronic assessment platform to follow up the level of students in these schools, starting from the second semester for the year 2016.
  3. Use of playgrounds of nearby youth centers by schools that have no playgrounds
  4. Implementing Takatuf programs to enhance students’ skills and raise their level of belonging to their school
  5. Implementing programs of communication with parents and training them to participate in parent councils.
  6. Completing the manpower and equipment structure of these schools to provide arts and music classes.
  7. Providing a budget for the cleanliness and maintenance of these schools and motivating students and parents to participate in it.
  8. Providing a healthy meal for students during the school day.
  9. Health caring for children in these schools after examining them all and identifying the need aspects to care for them.

Third: Since some of the above mentioned services can be made available more widely than the number of schools selected in the first year, it can be provided to a larger number of beneficiaries, especially:

  1. Electronic assessment from Tqweem platform which will be provided to all students from third primary to third preparatory in every governorate starting from the second semester in accordance with the agreement with the department of education.
  2. Training of principals and teachers can be more comprehensive and broader than the number of schools developed in construction.

Electronic Tqweem Application

Tqweem Application is a tool to evaluate students. It is dynamic and flexible. It provides multiple interactive channels among all parties to the education process. It characterized by accuracy, ease of use and applicability to a wide range at low cost. It also offers enjoyable learning techniques, positive competition, flexibility and time management. It ensures achieving the objectives of learning and education through advanced and innovative technology to assess and follow up students’ scientific progress. It was applied in a pilot project with great success to the students of Beni Suef under the supervision of the department of education and their teachers and in the presence of their parents before agreeing to apply it more comprehensively and making it available in the second semester 2017 for the rest of primary and preparatory students.

Beni Suef officials and parents received this protocol eagerly. The school children presented a beautiful and creative art as you see in the attached videos.

About Dr. Hossam Badrawi

Dr. Hossam Badrawi
He is a politician, intellect, and prominent physician. He is the former head of the Gynecology Department, Faculty of Medicine Cairo University. He conducted his post graduate studies from 1979 till 1981 in the United States. He was elected as a member of the Egyptian Parliament and chairman of the Education and Scientific Research Committee in the Parliament from 2000 till 2005. As a politician, Dr. Hossam Badrawi was known for his independent stances. His integrity won the consensus of all people from various political trends. During the era of former president Hosni Mubarak he was called The Rationalist in the National Democratic Party NDP because his political calls and demands were consistent to a great extent with calls for political and democratic reform in Egypt. He was against extending the state of emergency and objected to the National Democratic Party's unilateral constitutional amendments during the January 25, 2011 revolution. He played a very important political role when he defended, from the very first beginning of the revolution, the demonstrators' right to call for their demands. He called on the government to listen and respond to their demands. Consequently and due to Dr. Badrawi's popularity, Mubarak appointed him as the NDP Secretary General thus replacing the members of the Bureau of the Commission. During that time, Dr. Badrawi expressed his political opinion to Mubarak that he had to step down. He had to resign from the party after 5 days of his appointment on February 10 when he declared his political disagreement with the political leadership in dealing with the demonstrators who called for handing the power to the Muslim Brotherhood. Therefore, from the very first moment his stance was clear by rejecting a religion-based state which he considered as aiming to limit the Egyptians down to one trend. He considered deposed president Mohamed Morsi's decision to bring back the People's Assembly as a reinforcement of the US-supported dictatorship. He was among the first to denounce the incursion of Morsi's authority over the judicial authority, condemning the Brotherhood militias' blockade of the Supreme Constitutional Court. Dr. Hossam supported the Tamarod movement in its beginning and he declared that toppling the Brotherhood was a must and a pressing risk that had to be taken few months prior to the June 30 revolution and confirmed that the army would support the legitimacy given by the people

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