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My daughter is my idol – Hossam Badrawi

My daughter is my idol
Hossam Badrawi
Do not be surprised, reader, at the title, for my daughter Dalia has become a role model for me…
The usual being the parent is the ideal and the exception is what I pass on to you.
I call her “My Happy Thoughts” for her long life because she is an optimistic, smiling, beautiful-looking and informative person.
At the age of twenty-eight, she suddenly developed type 1 diabetes, which is the most dangerous and difficult to treat. Within a few months, the disease penetrated, and her body became completely devoid of the insulin needed to sustain her life, activity, and energy, with all that this disease means in terms of the need for an absolute change in the quality of life, continuous treatment, injections and measurements, and a change in the shape and quality of food.
Suddenly my daughter, my happy thoughts, a mother of two daughters at the time, a wife, and a working woman, needed to reshape her life.
With all the sincerity of parenting, I wished that it would be me and not her who would be affected by the disease. As for her mother, with an outpouring of great love, she decided to deprive herself of anything that the disease would prevent her daughter from doing or eating, in order to share with her part of her suffering.
I saw my daughter, with her youth, knowledge and freshness, enter a stage that was not prepared for her at all, amidst the responsibilities of her life that she takes seriously and with commitment. And because our family reads and discusses everything, its information about diabetes has become at the level of information of specialists, and it may be more, and because I am a doctor and I know that half of the information is more harmful than ignorance about the disease sometimes, I provided it and provided it with the available means of knowledge with a tremendous amount of awareness of what it is and what it is. When he managed her body a chronic incurable fucking disease.
Added to her awareness and knowledge were her experiences of the various means of treatment, the application of the rules in food, the use of an insulin pump, and travel to the largest centers of specialization to prevent complications from the disease and the way of life while it accompanies it.
Dahlia changed her life, with an iron will
Within a few years, she controlled her body with sports and the quality of food, until she became a leader for others and a teacher in CrossFit. She even opened a practice and training center with her friends at one time.
Defying the disease, she trained for months to run the forty-three kilometer marathon in Paris, and completed it.
She defied her body’s abilities to enter triathlons, swimming, bicycle racing, and a marathon in Hurghada, and she completed it, and she climbed mountains in Africa and Europe.
. Finally, I entered a challenge in the global competition for this difficult type of sport in Sweden and completed it**
In the study, Awaid changed her food to an organized, healthy, and integrated food, and she did not stop teaching children using music, which was what she used to do before the illness, and then for people with special educational needs after that.
She surprised us with her desire for a third pregnancy despite the difficulties, after she had confirmed with knowledge her ability to do so, and her willingness to bear its difficulties and possibilities.
Dalia put me in the most difficult situation in my life when she insisted that I, with all my experience, be her doctor, and that I deliver her and take care of her because of her confidence in my knowledge and my abilities. This is what I did for her and her last daughter, Sarah, who brightened our lives after that.
Dalia continued to do so, and she accompanied her daughters and encouraged them to practice sports with her, and she went with them to gymnastics, ballet, and piano training, and she attended all the activities of their school, and even the mothers participated in the school with the children in all their activities
She reads with them and for them and fills her family’s life with joy and pleasure
She is supported by a human husband, who departed from his traditional way of life, who supports and shares with her and participates in building a beautiful family together.
I look at Dalia, my happy thoughts, and tell her how proud I am of her. How much I appreciate what she does, from the moment she starts her day at five in the morning for training and at six with her daughters to prepare for a school day, to her going to work and practicing her activity and life while she is carrying the weight of terminal diabetes, to measure Analyze her own blood and adjust her food standards.
And because she is a beautiful person, she devoted part of her efforts to supporting children with diabetes, to prevent them from the disease’s disasters after the passing of the years.
I look at her and say this is a woman who deserves to be a role model.
She did not overdo it, did not become lazy, did not collapse and communicated. Rather, she faced with a smile, and triumphed with will.
No one around her feels what is in her, and she does not burden any of her family with her concern, nor do moments of grief and fear that may have passed and must pass through.
What a heroine in my eyes.
And why am I writing this about her… I am writing because there are young women and men like her everywhere. The incidence of diabetes in Egypt is very high, and its complications I see in patients every day.
There are millions like Dalia, and they have to take their lives in their own hands, not to despair, not to give up, but to know that will, knowledge and seriousness make you a hero for yourself and your family, and Dalia is the best example of that.
My daughter, I respect you
I support you and support you
And I’m proud of you.
** (Ironman International Challenge is 6 km swimming, followed by 180 km on bike, followed by 43 km marathon over 13 hours continuously, non-stop) For information, this challenge was attended by 2000 participants of different ages from all countries of the world, but Dalia and a very small group were the ones who were They suffer from diabetes, and Dalia was able to complete it to the end with arithmetic, measurement, knowledge and science, which prompted her wonderful therapist, Dr. Osama Hamdi writes the attached post for her, and he is from the Joslin Center at Harvard University (Boston, USA)