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Home / 2019 Collective Articles / On the conditions of the and initiatives (3)Hossam Badrawi

On the conditions of the and initiatives (3)Hossam Badrawi

About the conditions of the and initiatives (3)
Hossam Badrawi

Young people gathered around me intimately, and one of them said: You explained to us and you the political conditions of the country, and now we want to talk about the future. What is your vision for the future?

I said: It will take more space and more time. But I will summarize and then post over the next few weeks.

At the outset, I would like to emphasize that all future visions are intertwined, and it is not possible to look at the future Egypt in part. Rather, our vision of reform must encompass all its aspects at one time, whether that is political, social, economic or cultural.

The coherence and sustainability of reform are linked to development in all its fields, and although the voice of the call for political reform is important and essential, this should not distract us from the fact that the basic structure of the reform process begins, continues and continues with human development, and that education and culture are its main entrances.

The human being is the basis, and the competitiveness of any society ultimately depends on the total capabilities of its members, whose value is multiplied by teamwork and active participation. Our first job is to build capabilities and provide opportunities, and our success as a society is to leave individuals the freedom to choose between multiple opportunities…with justice, integrity and equal rights.

The ability to choose is the topic of the hour and the topic of the future. We can make every opportunity before us a problem and a crisis, and see and discover in every crisis we face new opportunities that can be invested and developed through, and this will depend on the way we look at things and treat reality, which presents multiple opportunities. To move to a new era…

The ability to make the right and best choice, which takes into account the authentic values ​​that must be integrated into the conscience of the individual, the family, and society as a whole, stems from the entrance to knowledge and the use of reason and the scientific method of thinking.

The reform project to achieve Egypt’s renaissance is not just numbers on paper or deaf sentences and abstract meanings.. The spirit of reform is ultimately represented by the person behind the ideas, individuals, groups and entities, whose number increases day by day, to become in a critical moment a critical size that increases the speed of achievement, and brings Deeper, broader and more impactful results.

Reform becomes worthless if it remains locked in papers. Rather, it gets sick and dies if it does not come to life. It becomes meaningless if its goal is a victory achieved by an individual or an institution in a debate or political debate or a voice that is superior to another in a competition over who will win the masses. or get power.

.. The desired reform shows its historical and future value when it becomes an activated reality, when it is implemented to show its impact on society.

Just as ideas are renewed, means must be renewed, and the spirit of reform in the new phase needs new mechanisms. Einstein, the genius scientist in the history of science, said that the difficult problems we face cannot be solved by applying the same intellectual approach that we used when finding such problems.

The vision of the future must depend on a reality governed by rules that have settled in minds and souls, and we must have the ability to deal with it and change it or install it so that we can move from the point of reality to the space of the future.

The success of any government in managing Egyptian society must be based on these services and rights. No matter how much income increases and capabilities expand, the happiness of individuals and families is linked to these main services that make life possible, and give citizens a basis for hope for a brighter future.

The young thinker said: Let us determine the directions, and then we will elaborate on the dialogue.

I said: There are twelve main directions that we must strive to achieve:

The first: bringing about a cultural and behavioral change in the conscience of society.

Second: A structural change in the Egyptian economy, with the aim of stimulating, sustaining and balancing growth, while creating employment opportunities.

The third: administrative reform and changing the pattern of governance and digitalization in all institutions, with a gradual application of decentralization.

Fourth: Defining the identity of the modern civil state and consolidating its concept among the new generations.

Fifth: Preserving the environment for the sake of these generations.

Sixth: Institutional and intellectual reform of the judiciary and law enforcement institutions (the police).

Seventh: Defining the Egyptian role in shaping the future of the world and the strategies for implementing it.

Eighth: Increasing the capabilities of the Egyptian army, protecting it from engaging in political and economic work, and changing the pattern of armament by increasing the capacity for military industrialization.

Ninth: Sustaining the provision of clean energy and water to the growing needs of the Egyptian people.

Tenth: Developing, activating and supporting the effective role of civil society and respecting the rights of citizens.

Eleventh: Controlling the growth, quality and distribution of the population.

Twelfth: Leaders Industry.

The youth fell silent, and one of them said: Do you have clear policies and possible implementations for all of what you mentioned?

I said: No one has all the solutions, but I sought and communicated with experts in every field, then documented opinions, and I am happy to share them with you over the coming weeks, and we explain in each article one of these trends, and we participate with the government in proposing alternatives, and we participate in the community and its experts in a dialogue Effective, everyone can benefit from it.

An enthusiastic young woman said: Can these opinions be collected in a document sent to the officials?

I said: The main goal of constructive dialogue is that, and the truth is that the accumulation of experiences and the peaceful transfer of power, without demolition or chaos, is the only way to sustain any policy or application.

I can be certain that Egypt possesses human capabilities, professional competencies, and striking power from its youth who are ready to learn and train, which guarantees it in one decade to occupy its position in the forefront of developed countries.

With God’s blessing, we will start from next week with a detailed presentation of the twelve directions and initiatives to the community.

About Dr. Hossam Badrawi

Dr. Hossam Badrawi
He is a politician, intellect, and prominent physician. He is the former head of the Gynecology Department, Faculty of Medicine Cairo University. He conducted his post graduate studies from 1979 till 1981 in the United States. He was elected as a member of the Egyptian Parliament and chairman of the Education and Scientific Research Committee in the Parliament from 2000 till 2005. As a politician, Dr. Hossam Badrawi was known for his independent stances. His integrity won the consensus of all people from various political trends. During the era of former president Hosni Mubarak he was called The Rationalist in the National Democratic Party NDP because his political calls and demands were consistent to a great extent with calls for political and democratic reform in Egypt. He was against extending the state of emergency and objected to the National Democratic Party's unilateral constitutional amendments during the January 25, 2011 revolution. He played a very important political role when he defended, from the very first beginning of the revolution, the demonstrators' right to call for their demands. He called on the government to listen and respond to their demands. Consequently and due to Dr. Badrawi's popularity, Mubarak appointed him as the NDP Secretary General thus replacing the members of the Bureau of the Commission. During that time, Dr. Badrawi expressed his political opinion to Mubarak that he had to step down. He had to resign from the party after 5 days of his appointment on February 10 when he declared his political disagreement with the political leadership in dealing with the demonstrators who called for handing the power to the Muslim Brotherhood. Therefore, from the very first moment his stance was clear by rejecting a religion-based state which he considered as aiming to limit the Egyptians down to one trend. He considered deposed president Mohamed Morsi's decision to bring back the People's Assembly as a reinforcement of the US-supported dictatorship. He was among the first to denounce the incursion of Morsi's authority over the judicial authority, condemning the Brotherhood militias' blockade of the Supreme Constitutional Court. Dr. Hossam supported the Tamarod movement in its beginning and he declared that toppling the Brotherhood was a must and a pressing risk that had to be taken few months prior to the June 30 revolution and confirmed that the army would support the legitimacy given by the people