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On the “Dreamers of Tomorrow” cafe.. about beauty, freedom and education

We sat at the “Dreamers” café, exchanging opinions about the people, happiness and beauty around us.

And the young dreamer always said to me:

What is your definition of human beauty?

I Saied to him:

In my search for beauty, I found Professor Al-Akkad saying:

Beauty is freedom.

He stopped in front of the view in admiration and demanded an explanation.

I told him, explaining, “The beauty of the human body is summed up in three: freedom of movement, and the ability of the mind to be clear in speech and then in the face.”

His colleague said with an attractive smile: Explain to us too, Doctor

I said: Freedom of movement can transcend the limits of body shape and change the standard beauty perspective that changes from time to time.

As for the pronunciation and the appearance of the beauty of the mind in the hadith, it is possible for it to show ugliness in formal beauty and beauty in what we thought ugliness.

Professor Al-Akkad also says that the face, especially the eyes and lips, are the ones in which the state and sense of the soul are depicted with the utmost clarity and clarity. people to us.

A third said: Indeed, standards of beauty change generation after generation, and you are right.

As for the eyes in particular, they are the detectors.

I said: Beauty is also relative according to the standards of each one, in order to adapt to his culture and get used to it

He said: Give us examples

I said: Take, for example, the abstract abstract paintings. You will find some who see them as ugliness, and some who see in them a captivating beauty.

She continued by narrating: Once, Professor Salah Taher, the great artist, took me with him in the early nineties to a lecture at the Fine Arts Lovers Association, and he told me that teaching the skill of drawing is possible for a non-artist, and becomes a transmitter of what he sees only, but the artist who expresses his feeling remains different and distinct, Hence, abstract, surreal, and abstract art is higher than abstract transmission, and these are things that you realize and learn over time.

Take with you also the classical music that we enjoy and that is enjoyed by spectra of the peoples of the world, but only noise is heard by those who have not tasted it and are happy with it.

The young man said with a smile: We are fascinated by you, Doctor, that you can see beauty in everything around you all the time and convey joy to those around you without realizing that you are the cause of it.

I said: Rather, you are the ones who inspire the older generations with a mighty energy, which can be positive and a source of joy, and the matter is that we learn to see the beauty around us first.. Whoever tastes beauty is the one who can be happy, and whoever extracts beauty from what he sees and hears cannot be destructive. .

The young woman said after a deep breath: Where is the beauty around us, doctor, and even if there is, no one taught us to see it and we are not artists to express it.

I said: O my daughter, beauty is a distinctive feature of this existence, manifested everywhere, and it is a kind of order, harmony and harmony with countless manifestations and manifestations. He may not be able to. This represents two different degrees of abilities: the ability to sense beauty, and the ability to express it. And because the sense of external and internal beauty is cognitive awareness, it can be learned. As for the other ability of the human being, which expresses beauty, shows it and shows it, it is the ability that the artist has, whether he is a photographer or a writer, or other people with different artistic abilities. Since science and experience have proven that there is a lot of knowledge and skills that a person can learn, especially at a young age, enabling him to increase his abilities in expression in general, every human being is an artist to some degree. The uniqueness of art remains for the special talents in which one person is unique from the other

A fourth young man said: You mean we learn this in our schools.. You dream more than we do.

I said: The philosophy of ethics, the science of logic, and the philosophy of beauty, with varying degrees of depth, must be included in the conscience of young people, according to the age group in which they are studying in one way or another. The selection of curricula for literature, poetry and speech arts must be consistent with this vision, and the integration of this methodology without hesitation in education is a part that must not be separated from the comprehensive development vision. However, I assure that the most important thing is not in a curriculum taught, but in a teacher who understands this value, and a school and institute in which the philosophy of beauty is a pioneer for its content.

About Dr. Hossam Badrawi

Dr. Hossam Badrawi
He is a politician, intellect, and prominent physician. He is the former head of the Gynecology Department, Faculty of Medicine Cairo University. He conducted his post graduate studies from 1979 till 1981 in the United States. He was elected as a member of the Egyptian Parliament and chairman of the Education and Scientific Research Committee in the Parliament from 2000 till 2005. As a politician, Dr. Hossam Badrawi was known for his independent stances. His integrity won the consensus of all people from various political trends. During the era of former president Hosni Mubarak he was called The Rationalist in the National Democratic Party NDP because his political calls and demands were consistent to a great extent with calls for political and democratic reform in Egypt. He was against extending the state of emergency and objected to the National Democratic Party's unilateral constitutional amendments during the January 25, 2011 revolution. He played a very important political role when he defended, from the very first beginning of the revolution, the demonstrators' right to call for their demands. He called on the government to listen and respond to their demands. Consequently and due to Dr. Badrawi's popularity, Mubarak appointed him as the NDP Secretary General thus replacing the members of the Bureau of the Commission. During that time, Dr. Badrawi expressed his political opinion to Mubarak that he had to step down. He had to resign from the party after 5 days of his appointment on February 10 when he declared his political disagreement with the political leadership in dealing with the demonstrators who called for handing the power to the Muslim Brotherhood. Therefore, from the very first moment his stance was clear by rejecting a religion-based state which he considered as aiming to limit the Egyptians down to one trend. He considered deposed president Mohamed Morsi's decision to bring back the People's Assembly as a reinforcement of the US-supported dictatorship. He was among the first to denounce the incursion of Morsi's authority over the judicial authority, condemning the Brotherhood militias' blockade of the Supreme Constitutional Court. Dr. Hossam supported the Tamarod movement in its beginning and he declared that toppling the Brotherhood was a must and a pressing risk that had to be taken few months prior to the June 30 revolution and confirmed that the army would support the legitimacy given by the people