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On the occasion of my seventy-second birthday – Hossam Badrawi

On the occasion of my seventy-second birthday,

Have I changed over the years?!

“Yes, I have changed.
This is what I say on my birthday when I ask myself, “What has changed in me ?”:

I realized that although I sometimes carry the burdens of the world on my back, lifting that burden off my small & large family and loved ones is more important than seeking recognition for it, and I do not feel saddened if they do not appreciate what I do.

Yes, I have changed…
I stopped compromising on trivial matters a while ago. In the end, the trivial things do not add value to life.

Yes, I have changed…

I have learned not to negatively criticize others for their faults, even when I realize they are wrong.

Despite my concern for fixing the society and making everyone better, and inviting them to see the beauty around them, peace with everyone may be a better climate for them to see that.

Yes, I have changed…

I have learned, through my age, experience, and unpaid work, to communicate with doctors of all ages as soon as I see an error in their prescriptions or an inappropriate treatment recommendation,
without hesitation, I discuss and review what they write for their patients when the consult with me.
I used to avoid that before.

Yes, I have changed.

I have mastered the art of showing the goodness in others generously and freely, without hypocrisy.

I even enjoy bringing out the best in others, hoping that they will rise to the level I have in mind for them.

Yes, I have changed.

I have become stronger, despite the storms of negativity, when I face someone who provokes me aggressively to engage me in a futile argument or accuses me of things I did not say or do.

Anyway, in the end, nothing they say will remain.
Let them say what they want and the truth will remain the truth.

Yes, I have changed…

I have learned to live each day positivity, develop in my work and ideas, and listen more than I speak.

Yes, I have changed…

I have always loved engaging in dialogue with children and youth and teaching them,
Now i realize I have learned more from them than what I have taught them.

Yes, I have changed.

I do everything that makes me feel happy and makes those around me feel happy,
and I enjoy my life the way I want it.

Yes, I have changed.

I now enjoy my personal relationship with God without fear of revealing it or being forced to conform to the herd mentality around me.

I no longer fear the intellectual and psychological terrorism represented by the behavior of the herd sometimes.
I have become clearer in expressing myself.

Yes, I have changed…

I have always been able to forget injuries and not hate those who hurt me,
but now I have also become capable of forgiveness.

Yes, I have changed…

At the age of seventy-two

I still dream and still wanting to achieve more success,
I still have hope in , & for humanity ,

I have become more capable of documenting my dreams and hopes in articles and books.

At this age…
I am who I am,
And my philosophy blended with my conscience,

I now repeat it without hesitation,
and I document it,
Perhaps the value of my experience can benefit others.

Yes, I have changed,
And I want to change more,
I still want to read , write
& learn

what has also changed is that I have become more capable of self-reliance, not seeking anything from anyone

I have become stronger.

in my seventies…
I look around and thank God for His blessings of contentment and
And continuing my passion
For knowledge and learning.