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The first trend: a behavioral change in the conscience of society

pillars of the renaissance
Hossam Badrawi

Let me remind you of the twelve trends that we will talk about in the coming weeks, and we will open a page on Facebook under the name “The Future Begins Today” an invitation to participate. Since the publishing space in the newspaper is small, we will transfer the details to this page to read and listen to opinions, within a systematic framework that serves decision makers and those responsible for implementation. We will present the strategy of the ministries concerned with the files under discussion in detail, if any, and we will create an observatory for each trend, through which we can follow up the implementation based on global measurement indicators.

The directions are:

The first is to bring about a cultural and behavioral change in the conscience of society, which we will talk about briefly in this article.

The second is to make a structural change in the Egyptian economy with the aim of stimulating growth, its sustainability and balance, while creating employment opportunities.

The third is administrative reform and changing the pattern of governance and digitalization in all institutions, with a gradual application of decentralization.

The fourth is defining the identity of the modern civil state and consolidating its concept among the new generations.

The fifth is to preserve the environment for the sake of these generations.

The sixth is institutional and ideological reform of the judiciary and law enforcement institutions (the police).

The seventh is defining the Egyptian role in shaping the future of the world and the strategies for implementing it.

The eighth is to increase the capabilities of the Egyptian army, protect it from engaging in political and economic work, and change the pattern of armament by increasing the capacity for military industrialization.

The ninth is the sustainability of providing clean energy and water to the growing needs of the Egyptian people.

The tenth is to develop, activate and support the effective role of civil society and respect the rights of citizens.

Eleventh is to control the growth, quality and distribution of the population.

Twelfth is the industry of leaders.

The educated young woman said: What guarantees the sustainability of the application of policies and the accumulation of experiences? We note that in every ruling system in Egypt, the whole past is considered a failure, and every previous ruling is accused of destroying the country, as if there are no accumulated experiences, so that the sustainability of the application becomes impossible, any politically. We start again every period of time, and we do not allow any initiative to continue..

I said: You have every right, and the one that guarantees sustainability and the accumulation of experiences is the peaceful transfer of political power, within the framework of constitutional legitimacy, and we will talk about that in the political file later.


Our duty is to bring about a cultural and behavioral change in the conscience of society, to consolidate the principles of tolerance and acceptance of pluralism and democracy as a way of life, to maximize the value of research and development, the ability to innovate and create, scientific thinking and teamwork, and a sense of and belief in citizenship as a basis for compatibility between groups of society, consolidating the values ​​of participation, entrepreneurship and increasing competitiveness. .

Children and youth are central to this trend, without discrimination. Education, culture and media are the entrances to the state to achieve this.

This means placing the axis of human development, including education in all its sections, culture, media and youth, in a file that can be dealt with, and in it, in a coherent framework to achieve what we aspire to create the Egyptian citizen who is educated, technologically empowered, enlightened, creative, responsible, proud of his country’s history and identity Cultural, passionate about building its future, aware of the importance of regional and global communication, and able to compete in all fields.

We must have a clear policy for development, innovation and entrepreneurship through the progress of research and development, as all directions for drawing up policies related to the economic, social and cultural development of any country are based on a scientific analysis of the current positions of science and technology policies, starting from it to the future, science and technology represent a forum For all the policies that determine the future of every nation, and at the same time, they are the effective tool to achieve them. It seems clear that the nation, which possesses a solid digital scientific and technological base, is able to meet the challenges, by harnessing all that is new of science and technologies to serve comprehensive development. I do not doubt the presence and efficacy of Egyptian scholars, whose educational climate and institutions do not give them the appropriate freedom for innovation and creativity. Some of them innovate and succeed when they go all over the world.

The young man said: What is your vision of education, Doctor?

I said: First, let me remind you that the educational system is integrated, and includes basic and secondary education, technical education and vocational training, Azhar education, higher education, and research and development… and that all of these systems must be managed with a consistent, integrated vision, otherwise we will contribute to mixing and fragmenting the concepts of children and youth. Intellectual community…to simplify the matter for you:

The vision is divided into five main axes, under which sub-goals fall, then indicators for measuring the responsibility, time and cost of implementation.

The first axis: high-quality education available to all without discrimination.

The second axis: creating an efficient, fair and sustainable institutional framework for managing education, research and development at the central and decentralized levels, until the school becomes a self-contained management unit.

The third axis: digital empowerment of the student, teacher, and principal, and the development of teaching aids, which requires training the most important human factor, which is the teacher and school director. Everyone must think digitally, acquire knowledge digitally, learn to search for information, and communicate in the language of the world in order to be part of the industry of the future.

The fourth axis: building the integrated personality of the student and student to become a normal, proud, enlightened citizen, creative, proud of his country’s history, passionate about building its future, capable of difference, and capable of pluralism. This is not taught in a curriculum, but in coexistence within the school, through sports, honest competition, learning music, and tasting beauty. If the schools lack playgrounds, each of them can use youth centers that become an extension of the school, as well as cultural palaces.

Fifth Axis: The graduate should be an initiator, able to adapt to changing circumstances around him, and a creator of opportunities.

A new business, competing with its peers regionally and globally.

The issue is simple for everyone who asks me about whether or not I agree with the development strategy presented now..

I say to everyone: Look at the axes of the simple and understandable vision of society, and let us monitor its implementation using the measurement indicators agreed upon with the government.

The educated young woman said: How does the vision turn into a roadmap with milestones?

I said: Each axis of the vision has basic goals, sub-goals, a time period for their achievement, institutional responsibilities, costs, and indicators for measuring results, which in the end complete a strategy that can be monitored and evaluated.

The implementation of the vision’s goals in all education systems must converge on points with the cultural, media and youth strategies.

We must not forget that, in the end, building the human being is the basis, and building is integrated with education, culture and media, and that children and youth are present in our schools and universities under a roof that we can reach and create a stimulating climate for their creativity and innovation.

Related initiatives by Dr. Hossam Badrawi in the field of education


First Education Observatory Initiative


Second, the provincial competitiveness initiative




The future initiative starts every day Share and take initiative

Within the framework of the initiative launched by Prof. Dr. Hossam Badrawi “The future begins every day, participate and take initiative”
Dr. is pleased. Hossam Badrawi and the Thoth Center for Political Research to announce the launch of a website to explain the proposed strategies and initiatives presented by Dr. Badrawi and the team of experts who work with him in each of the future directions that he talks about in his articles in Al-Masry Al-Youm every Wednesday
The twelve are attached to the topic of the articles and attached to each direction after publishing a link with its details
We invite experts, each in their specialization, and members of society in general, to share their opinion or initiatives through this link

مبادرة المستقبل يبدأ كل يوم

مبادرة المستقبل يبدأ كل يوم

The directions are:

The first is to bring about a cultural and behavioral change in the conscience of society.

The second is to make a structural change in the Egyptian economy with the aim of stimulating growth, its sustainability and balance, while creating employment opportunities.

The third is administrative reform and changing the pattern of governance and digitalization in all institutions, with a gradual application of decentralization.

The fourth is defining the identity of the modern civil state and consolidating its concept among the new generations.

The fifth is to preserve the environment for the sake of these generations.

The sixth is institutional and ideological reform of the judiciary and law enforcement institutions (the police).

The seventh is defining the Egyptian role in shaping the future of the world and the strategies for implementing it.

The eighth is to increase the capabilities of the Egyptian army, protect it from engaging in political and economic work, and change the pattern of armament by increasing the capacity for military industrialization.

The ninth is the sustainability of providing clean energy and water to the growing needs of the Egyptian people.

The tenth is to develop, activate and support the effective role of civil society and respect the rights of citizens.

Eleventh is to control the growth, quality and distribution of the population.

Twelfth is the industry of leaders.

The Thoth Center for Political Studies announces that it will study the feasibility of all the submitted proposals and study them with a scientific methodology to determine their effectiveness and importance, provided that suggestions and initiatives are collected and the necessary studies are made to implement them, in addition to submitting them to the responsible executive authorities in cooperation with the Union Party.
Rather, we call on political parties to share their opinion in this scientific political forum if they share our visions for the future and our desire to support the modern civil state.

Suggestions and initiatives are presented through this site by expressing an opinion in no more than fifteen lines or writing a summary of the initiative and recording it in a short video of no more than five minutes, knowing that the initiatives and opinions presented within the announced framework, will be studied in depth, and the parties will be involved Positively participate in it.
We invite experts, each in their specialization, and members of society in general, to share their opinion or initiatives through this link

مبادرة المستقبل يبدأ كل يوم

for more information
Dr. Hossam Badrawi’s website


Thoth Center for Studies and Research website


Union Party website


The websites of our partners from non-profit NGOs in which Dr. Hossam participates
Nile Badrawi Foundation for Education and Development website


Takatof Association website

National Competitiveness Council website

Education First website

About Dr. Hossam Badrawi

Dr. Hossam Badrawi
He is a politician, intellect, and prominent physician. He is the former head of the Gynecology Department, Faculty of Medicine Cairo University. He conducted his post graduate studies from 1979 till 1981 in the United States. He was elected as a member of the Egyptian Parliament and chairman of the Education and Scientific Research Committee in the Parliament from 2000 till 2005. As a politician, Dr. Hossam Badrawi was known for his independent stances. His integrity won the consensus of all people from various political trends. During the era of former president Hosni Mubarak he was called The Rationalist in the National Democratic Party NDP because his political calls and demands were consistent to a great extent with calls for political and democratic reform in Egypt. He was against extending the state of emergency and objected to the National Democratic Party's unilateral constitutional amendments during the January 25, 2011 revolution. He played a very important political role when he defended, from the very first beginning of the revolution, the demonstrators' right to call for their demands. He called on the government to listen and respond to their demands. Consequently and due to Dr. Badrawi's popularity, Mubarak appointed him as the NDP Secretary General thus replacing the members of the Bureau of the Commission. During that time, Dr. Badrawi expressed his political opinion to Mubarak that he had to step down. He had to resign from the party after 5 days of his appointment on February 10 when he declared his political disagreement with the political leadership in dealing with the demonstrators who called for handing the power to the Muslim Brotherhood. Therefore, from the very first moment his stance was clear by rejecting a religion-based state which he considered as aiming to limit the Egyptians down to one trend. He considered deposed president Mohamed Morsi's decision to bring back the People's Assembly as a reinforcement of the US-supported dictatorship. He was among the first to denounce the incursion of Morsi's authority over the judicial authority, condemning the Brotherhood militias' blockade of the Supreme Constitutional Court. Dr. Hossam supported the Tamarod movement in its beginning and he declared that toppling the Brotherhood was a must and a pressing risk that had to be taken few months prior to the June 30 revolution and confirmed that the army would support the legitimacy given by the people